How to Choose Lightweight Camp Chair

How to Choose Lightweight Camp Chair

When you are car camping, space and weight are not usually the primary concerns. However, if you are backpacking, every square inch of space and every ounce matters.

This is why choosing a lightweight camping chair that will not take up too much space in your pack or weigh you down is vital.

There are hundreds of factors to consider when choosing a lightweight camping chair. This article will highlight some of these vital features.

Sounds great? Read on for more information.

How to Choose Lightweight Camp Chair: Things to consider

Here are some of the vital things you should consider while buying or choosing the best lightweight camping chair:

1. Comfort

If a camping chair is uncomfortable for you, you will probably not use it.

For instance, although you might want a camping chair that is small and lightweight enough to pack on your backpacking trips, it is vital to choose one that does not compromise comfort.

Therefore, you should check if the camping chair is padded and whether the seat fabric is easy to bear. It should have moisture-resistant fabric.

Camping chairs that raise you high off the ground are easy to get in and out of, especially if you have bad knees. Consequently, they are more comfortable for extended use.

The chair’s seat width is another aspect of comfort that is vital to consider. For instance, you want a lightweight camping chair that will be big enough for your butt.

Besides, if back support is a priority, choose a lightweight camping chair with an adjustable back angle.

2. Weight balance

Although having a lightweight camping chair is vital, you should balance the chair's weight with its weight capacity.

When choosing a lightweight camping chair, ensure it will support or hold your body weight or the weight of individuals using it.

For instance, you do not want to break your lightweight chair or hurt yourself by making it collapse under you.

3. Stability

Lightweight camping chairs will easily sink in the sand, soil, or soft ground when you sit on them. This can be very annoying as it makes it more difficult to stand up and get out of your camping chair. Therefore, their stability is a vital feature to consider while making your buying decision.

The best lightweight camping chair should have a square-shaped base. This unique chair design feature will evenly distribute the weight across the ground, which makes it less likely you will tip over on uneven ground or terrain.

You should also choose a lightweight camping chair that is lower to the ground. This feature makes your camping chair more stable.

4. Price

The price of a lightweight camping chair can differ widely depending on the type of chair you want. Therefore, it is vital to understand your budget before deciding on your ideal lightweight camping chair.

However, several factors affect the price of a camping chair. These include features, quality, and overall performance.

Therefore, although many camping enthusiasts choose more affordable lightweight camping chairs, do not compromise the chair’s overall quality as it can affect the value in the long run.

Many camping chair stores offer discounts on their products. So, going for discounted chair will help you get more value for your cash while still saving money.

5. Quality

When choosing a lightweight camping chair, it is vital to consider its quality as it will affect how efficient it will be when used and how long it will last.

For instance, good quality lightweight camping chairs should be reliable and durable. At the same time, an inferior camping chair may break down easily or fail after a few uses.

So, if you choose a low-quality camping chair, there is a high chance that it will cost you more in replacements and repairs than buying a new quality chair altogether.

To be sure that you choose a good quality camping chair, you should look at the material used to make it. The best ones are made of long-lasting materials that are durable and reliable.

6. Packability

The reason for going lightweight is that you want a camping chair that you can carry easily. Therefore, you should consider how you pack your chair and how much extra space or volume it will take.

Think about having your camping chair accessible throughout the day without unpacking the backpack or only in the camp.

And if you pack it in your backpack, how much extra space will it consume? These are some of the questions you should find answers to while choosing a lightweight camping chair to carry with you.

7. Return policy

Another vital thing to consider when choosing a lightweight camping chair is whether it has a return policy.

Some brands or companies have generous return policies that allow you to return the chair if defective or for any other reason.

Other companies only allow returns within 30 days of purchase. However, you must have proof of defectiveness or damage. Again, this depends on the type of lightweight camping chair and the retailer.

Some companies do not offer returns at all.

Therefore, you should check out the chair's return policies before making a purchase decision.

Why should you choose a lightweight camping chair?

There are many reasons why you should consider choosing a lightweight camping chair. Here are some of the reasons:

  • They are more comfortable to carry around compared to the bulkier camping chairs
  • They are usually easier to take down and set up
  • They are relatively affordable
  • They do not tip over easily
  • They are comparably comfortable to sit in for longer periods

What are the tips for using a lightweight camping chair?

Lightweight camping chairs can be an excellent addition to your gear whenever you go camping. They are a comfortable place to take a nap or relax and are easy to install and take down. However, you must use them carefully.

Here are a few tips for using a lightweight camping chair appropriately:

  • Pick a level ground to set up your camping chair. For instance, you do not want to be sitting in an unstable or wobbling camping chair.
  • Ensure your camping chair is facing in the direction you want to face. This will allow you to stay warm while sunbathing.
  • If you are using the camping chair for sleeping, ensure you are won and comfortable.


Finally, you have a clear idea of choosing the best lightweight camping chair. Choose your best camping chair from a reliable brand, such as TCEK, and you will not regret it even once!

Keep in touch with our camping experts if you need help choosing the right lightweight camping chair.

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